راية شمالي
ساعات وانا عكرسي ممنوع اتحرك الا عالحمام، وحدي شرطيين ليراقبوني، ولما سمحولي انام عالكرسي بمكتب كلبشوا ايديّ واجريّ كمان وقالولي: دبّري حالك .....مسكوني شرطيين وجرّوني عزنزانة المحكمة، واول ما فاتوا قال واحد منهن: احزروا شو جبتلكو معي هدية؛ قاصر.
Raya Shemale
‘I stayed for long hours tied to a chair and was forbidden from moving unless I wanted to go to the bathroom. There were many police officers around me watching me at all times. When they took me inside an office to sleep, they made me sit in a chair where they tied my hands to my feet and said “Get used to it.” . . . Two policemen grabbed me and pulled me into the prison cell of the court. As I entered, one of them announced to the other arrestees inside the cell, “Guess what I brought you? . . . A present . . . A minor.”